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KyerahGlitterPortraitSession (8 of 21).j

I'm not sure what type of session is best for my family, what do you recommend?

I want everyone to enjoy their experience and get the best out of each and every session so I can provide a no obligation, pre-session consultation, either by phone or in person. This gives us a chance to get to know each other, chat about what you hope to capture during your session, plan exactly what type of portrait art you would like. If you're happy to go ahead we will finish our meeting by  planning where and  when we will do your session, we can even talk about what to wear.

Meetings usually take place at my home studio but can take place at your home,   your chosen  location* or even the local coffee shop (subject to availability). Face to face consultations are available for full paying sessions only.


Where will my session take place?

My cosy home studio is in Mansfield, Nottinghamshire and I also travel throughout Nottinghamshire,  for  on location sessions so if you have a special location you wish to use we can discuss this during your pre-session consultation.

Gallery viewings take place in my studio with all decision making adults present but I understand sometimes childcare can be an issue so I'll do my best to find a time to suit you.  

Mini Me Portrait Art

How do I choose my portrait art?

The number of products available to us today can be so confusing, that's why I discuss your likes, dislikes and preferences even before your session. During your gallery viewing I can help you choose what is right for you and your home, I have my signature samples on display during your viewing and have collections available to offer the best value for money. . 

Child Outdoor Portrait Session Mansfield Child Whisperer Photography

I would like a lifestyle session at the park what time of day is best?

For most outdoor sessions I recommend we meet first thing in the morning, usually between 9 and 9.30am, to avoid the crowds.  We also need to work with the time that best suits your children  and work around meal and nap times, tired little ones and  hungry tummies do not make create happy sessions!  The only time of day I avoid completely is  midday, the harsh light of the sun at it's peak is never flattering to any portrait.

Family Lifestyle Portrait Session Mansfield

What should we wear to our session?

I always suggest  thinking about where you will be displaying your portrait art and start with colours that would go  well in that room. Another option is to look at the season or location your session will take place, what will suit that time of year?

Simple, plain colours and subtle patterns work best. With a family session try to pick an accent colour and have each family member wearing 1 thing in that colour. Avoid bold patterns and logos, matching outfits (unless you are going for a very specific type of image) and lots of contrast between family members e.g. half the family in very light outfits and the other half in very dark.

My Bear and Me

Should I bring anything to the session?

You can bring along anything you think might help your session run smoothly. Things like special items to use as props, spare clothes and comforters. Perhaps drinks and snacks for young children in case they need a quick break or distraction. Small, non messy snacks like Cheerios work best and wipes to clean faces are a must. Please avoid fizzy drinks and things like blackcurrant juice, particularly in the studio, accidents happen so I try to avoid the worst type of spillages in the studio.

Family Studio Session

What happens if my child is ill?

We all know as parents that life can be hectic and unpredictable, as soon as we plan anything something will happen; teething, illness, injections, etc. If your child is feeling unwell they won't be happy and we won't have a great session. I would rather we reschedule, have a great time together and get portraits you fall in love with. All I ask is that you give me as much notice as possible, 24-48 hours if possible, so I can plan my workday in advance.   

Chil Whisperer Photography

Why should I choose you as our photographer?

I'm passionate about creating stunning portrait art for you to enjoy for generations to come. I want everyone to love  their experience  and  get the best out of each and every session, so we  can make and capture those truly precious memories and provide you with beautiful  portrait artwork which you will cherish forever.  From the pre-session consultation right through to your gallery viewing I aim to find what works for you, your family and your home.

Book Now Child Whisperer Photography Not

I would like to book with you Serena, What should I do next?

Certain sessions and consultations can be booked directly online via my booking page. Alternatively  complete the contact form or contact me by email at


If you're not sure what type of session you would like we can arrange a pre-session consultation and discover what will work best for you and your family.

I'm really excited to meet you and look forward to working with you and your family, see you soon.



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